Not sure where to go. What should be equal? What should be out larger, smaller. Should all the character forms be the same. Suggestive? Should there be shading placed on the letterforms to create 3d depth or are the flat shapes more potent.


This Sunday I’m in the process of designing some type to be incorporated on the Asobi Seksu website I’m working on.

This dude was a monster to compose. All those morphed little circles and such. But I’m happy-ish where this is at.

I am happy where this is going despite it being a terribly tedious design.

You can always check back.

I’ve decided to put chrisonscooter to rest for now. Much in my life is in transit and I am changing.  My professional site will be up open soon.  It is a good place to say goodbye.


I am just all kinds of tickled right now.

I’m so excited ya’ll. I’m very very close to having my portfolio site finished. Here’s a teaser:

One of my bestie’s just hosted a nice dinner gathering. We first met as roomates in College. From there on, the rest is history!  ENBAR!!